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Top Quotes - Coach McDaniel | Media Availability - May 17

Head Coach Mike McDaniel met with the media prior to the team's second OTA. Check out the top quotes from his media availability.

(On the recent addition of RB Sony Michel)

"Sony (Michel) – if you have an opportunity in the offseason to add a player of his caliber, of his pedigree, just him as a human being and a multiple Super Bowl winner, we jumped at the opportunity. His interest fit our interest and competition for the Miami Dolphins is only a good thing. I think one thing that's unique about that particular room is no one shies away from competition. Everybody in there is excited for the offense, for the opportunities and wants the best man to win and aren't backing away from that."

(On what he is trying to establish during the offseason program)

"I think we've begun that process. There's three phases in an NFL offseason. Phase I is meeting room-exclusive. We're currently in Phase III where we're actually able to practice for the second time. In Phase II, you get to do some drill work and coach them on the field, not in team settings. But all three phases are really cool to me for the specific reason that you get to coach and not prepare for an opponent. So we're learning a different language on one side of the ball and we're refining a language on the other side of the ball, but realistically you want guys committed to getting better and you want to really establish how you're going to go about business. We had a bunch of time to prepare for – we had two voluntary minicamps and now this afternoon, you guys will see our second OTA and what was important to me was you don't skip steps in this business. So if we want to make strides and progress as an organization and as a football team, we have to position ourselves so that when we come back for training camp, that we're able to practice and operate at a high-caliber level that fits our goals. There's no easy way to do that. You just don't wish things to happen. You take matters into your hands in the game of football. And the guys, I am very proud of the way they've approached everything from that standpoint."

(On what he sees from the rookies and undrafted free agents so far)

"Overall as a group, I feel that all the parties involved in acquiring them – I hold undrafted free agents with high esteem. They aren't just throw-ins. They are important to me. We've had a multitude of success over the years having undrafted free agents really impact your team. What I will say is as a group, it's a testament to the organization's scouting department, Chris Grier and the collection of people, because we have the right types of people. This is overwhelming. You have to understand that rookies, people don't really view it this way but I was just talking to the guys yesterday, is they are coming in trying to make a living at something amongst people that have been doing it professionally for years. You're doing that in a language that you're like, 'What?' You just got introduced this stuff so you're triple behind the eight-ball. You get to find out fast if guys are tough-minded enough. I will say, they are made of the right stuff so far having one weekend with them and then this being the second OTA."

(On what joint practices the team will have in August)

"Joint practices are outstanding for everyone involved. There's only so far you can go when going against each other before things start to hurt more than they help. Having different schemes, coverages, is incredibly impactful. Having different offenses for run fits and all of that stuff is super impactful. We're going to start out, we're practicing two days against Tampa and can't wait to see you guys type really fast but we are going to have joint practices with the Philadelphia Eagles as well. Both scenarios I feel very fortunate that things worked out with Coach (Todd) Bowles and Coach (Nick) Sirianni. We're excited about that and I think our players will be too."

(On how much his first few months on the job have lived up to his expectations)

"Surpassed it. It's just really fun to express a lot of the things that you didn't know if you would ever have the opportunity to do. I am surrounded with so many people that are supporting and help driving the force that it really, truly feels like a team that we're working together for a common goal. Which that is what football is all about."
